I am 110% uninspired to write today. I could barely write the check to Giseppi's Pizza last night for my son's slumber party. The house looks like it has been dismantled, piece by piece, and my brain feels thick. Days like these make me feel lucky that my livlihood doesn't depend on my writing. I know that's what we're all supposed to want, to support ourselves with our writing, but my writing is unpredictable, unfaithful. Like everyone's early 20's boyfriend, he can be soooo sweet and funny, but then all of a sudden, when you go by his apartment on a whim, he won't open the door all the way. Says he's really busy and he'll call you later. And when he doesn't call you right away, you call him, but you get a busy signal (remember those?). So all you can do is just sit around and wait, and wonder what he's doing. Or was that just my early 20's boyfriend?
hey, that gives me an idea. . .
I had a boyfriend like that once. Love the writing analogy. Makes perfect sense.
I had that boyfriend in my 20s --several times. I'm a slow learner.
I had the slumber party too. Last week!
Good luck, and remember the romance is worth it. Isn't it?
Hell, I've had boyfriends like that in my forties and fifties!
THAT is why I gave up men...
Onward. The brain won't always feel thick, the mess will get cleaned up, the kids will eventually hang out somewhere else and you will miss this -- really!
Such boyfriends are a requirement.
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