Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Here's To The Next Chapter --Kerry

My sister in laws death taught me something. It taught me that when your heart speaks, never leave those words unsaid.

“Don’t ever hold back those words,” still echoes in my head.
So I’m not.

Just when I was getting comfortable and almost comfortably taking you all for granted, that you would be around most Wednesdays in my daily routine, sitting at Starbucks or SOU with your insights waiting to share, just when this had become part of my routine normal, now it is fast becoming my past.

Each of you hold vast gifts that bring so much to the world of writing and to the the world I general.

Christy, with your clarity of thought, fearlessness and determination, you’ve shown me the spirit of a true writer. And perhaps you’ve shown me that always be kind to your neighbors because you never know when you’re going to have them in your life again.

Julie with your uncanny sardonic observations of the inane have entertained me and made me laugh sometimes my first laugh of the day. I always want to hear more, whether it's about Lemongrass Village or chest hair.

Jenny, my psychic sister, you pluck stories out of the universe with an enviable ease and then actually write them down and care about them. Your talent and kindness is immense.

Marcia, last but very much not least, you are a wonderful unique gifted writer of emotion and characters I could only dream about describing in such vivid detail that make me both laugh and cry. You are a beautiful writer and I will always be waiting to hear more, from you and all of you.
From rabbits to chocolate to love to men to child rearing to 1970’s chest hair, let’s keep pushing the envelope with our words, wit and wisdom.

Here’s to the life of a writer. Keep letting it rip.

Postnote: I left today after I posted this blog. I made a run for it between storms. Come visit.


Anonymous said...


It is strange to think the words are here and you are not.

Happy Trails. Marcia

Christy Raedeke said...

You're gone already! We didn't get our last walk in the park with a cup o' Mix. Next time...

Happy Happy Everything.


Anonymous said...

We'll miss you. Our kids will miss your kids. Our husbands... oh, nevermind.

We'll miss you.

Anonymous said...

I made it to the next chapter but you all are still part of the book! Let's keep writing! KMB

Anonymous said...

What? You're gone?? Oh my gosh! Hope the trip was good -- hope settling in is good. Keep us posted.
Much love,