Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pondering the Miracle of Life--Kerry

Spring has sprung.

After the harshest winter in forty years, I stare out the window lost in sensory wonder.

Pink cherry blossoms.
Yellow daffodils.
Children skipping.
The smell of barbecues and lawnmower gas. (That one's for you Christy).
There might be a haiku somewhere there...

"If you find yourself out of the race, so far behind the pack that you can hardly see its dust-if the odds weigh against you, the odds against happiness returning to fill your days with joy, the seemingly overwhelming odds that you will never recover from whatever is beating you down- take a moment and consider life's cosmic odds and how you're already beaten them," writes Forrest Church in Utne Reader about the miracle of our just being born in the first place.

Spring reminds me of miracles.


Jennie Englund said...

Ah! Spring! FINAlly!

Christy Raedeke said...

Thanks for the smell shout-out, BBQ and lawnmower gas is a winning combination!