Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chickies, Kitties, Doggies, Jillies--Kerry

We are new parents this month. One scrappy terrier and two chicks later, we roost cozily together with our two cats and three children most nights.

Most nights, that is, until someone turns the heat lamp off in the chicks boudoir and they cheep furiously, chirping for the orange metal mother ship that has disconnected, not unlike Jilly, our five year old, yelling for me when she can't find her purse/blanket/cheese stick/whatever.

The cats hiss at the dog when it walks by and jump onto the highest point they can find. Only occasionally does the dog seem surprised. She came from the pound, where we found her 12 pound body in a cage next to a cage with a 100 pound titan named Hercules who barked interminably during our stay. She is unfazed by the chicks, the cats and even Jilly, who picks her up and squeezes her like a pillow uttering words of endearment loudly in her ear such as "Peppa I wuv you".

I tucked Claire and the dog into bed last night. The dog put it's head on the pillow, under the covers, and looked up at me. I didn't even think of the doggy smell on the sheets because she was just so obnoxiously cute.

Animals, like humans, don't really need much more than food, water, shelter and attention. Life really doesn't have to be so complicated. Maybe I should just stick to the basics more often, seek more heat lamps and warm beds, and let life be sweet and fuzzy like a soft chick next to my son's cheek.


Christy Raedeke said...

Sounds like life is good in Dundee! What fun your kids must be having with new puppies and baby chicks!

I've been seriously contemplating the chicken thing. Marcia's four-star chicken accommodation has me aching for a cute hen house...

Jennie Englund said...

Your farm is hopping!

The peeps and squeaks and squawks must be a literal hoot!

Went to the coast with the fifth grades this week. SO missed Claire.

Email me your home address!