Yesterday the Lithia Writers Collective had its regular Wednesday meeting, but regular it was not! It was an extraordinary day: Jennie had finished her manuscript.
She’d finished!
Starting a book is easy—really easy—and plugging away at one for years is fairly easy as well, but finishing a book? That is damn hard. And she did it in four months.
So we toasted with a lovely bottle of bubbly and passed around the weighty pages. Of course Jennie demurred, mumbling on about how rough it was and how much revision was left to do. Of course, we told her to shut up.
We forced her to look at the stack of paper she had produced, forced her to soak up the fact that she had finished two manuscripts in as many years, forced her to enjoy the moment. Because Jennie’s success is our success; seeing a fellow writer finish a manuscript is a beautiful thing - it makes you realize it’s possible.
Cheers, Jennie!
I'll say it again - I love you girls!
We've known each other less than a year, but there's nothing too private, too painful, too complicated to put on the coffee shop table!
Thank you for crying over the conclusion!
Christy, you're next!
And did ya'll know I love you?
We love you, too Meads -- congratulations!
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