Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Savoring Summer--Kerry

Blogging comes late in the evening for me today. I fit it in somewhere before the Olympics and after reading to the kids before bed. And now, like Pooh Bear in this evening's bedtime story, I sit down to have a good think.

I debate my blog topic. There's so much to choose from. Michael Phelps has renewed my interest in swimming and eating. I decide that this is exciting only to me. Max tore one of his ten stitches at sword camp. No one wants to hear the gory details. I have spent three weeks on the road and slept in approximately six different beds. Happily, the one I slept the best in is the one I am in now, two days after my return from various points throughout Oregon. None of these subjects is really worth a whole blog.

But the thought that summer is really only officially here for two more weeks until the start of school beckons me. The thought that I'd like to swim in one more mountain lake and savor one more dinner on the deck. My father turned eighty and my first child is entering the last year of her grade school career.

I want to hold on to the hands of time. (humanizing nouns).

The smoky haze in the valley dissipates like the cobwebs in my brain. (metaphor or simile).

Summer sun sweetly fades, crisp fall days await. (conclusion).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the dog days are dwindling, aren't they? But their fewness inspires our preservation, I agree!

Then it's back to school, and back to writing!