Friday, February 20, 2009

Busted -- Kelly

One of my deep writerly fears has been realized.

Someone, mentioned during my period of blogging anonymity, has expressed dissatisfaction with his or her portrayal.

During those years, the blog was a protected outlet. When I joined Lithia Writers Collective I needed to link my name to my personal blog for administrative reasons. I thought I'd "scrubbed" any significant identifying references to others; apparently I did not.

I haven’t told many of the stories I hold inside for exactly this reason. I’m not skilled at “fictionalizing” things. Something to work on, I suppose. It’s times like these when I sorely miss a weekly, in-person, critique group.

I know the LWC women could kick my butt right over this hump.

Initial responsibility for the words I write lies with me. But only I know my intentions. Final responsibility lies with those who read. While I never bought into Reader Response Criticism, all readers shape their interpretations through their own experiences.

I hope readers now and in the future will understand that I mean no one harm.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that you wrote these words:
"Initial responsibility for the words I write lies with me. But only I know my intentions. Final responsibility lies with those who read.."
That is the truth. Final responsibility depends on their interpretation. Walk on girl.

Kelly Hudgins said...

Thanks, Kerry!

Christy Raedeke said...

Though I don't know whom you have offended, this is a very good time to employ the phrase "consider the source"...