Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reason # 56728 why I can't write today--Marcia

When someone calls and says, I'm coming over tomorrow to clean your house, you don't say no. Especially when he is the Universe's answer to your call.

The funny thing about that call, is you have no control over when and how it is answered.

My answer came in my burly builder with a leaf blower.

I came home from James' first piano lesson to Otis Redding blasting on the stereo and Richie waving a leaf blower over the now empty rooms of my home. He plunked every piece of furniture, all the baskets of toys, and piles of laundry out on the patio.

Even more miraculous my truculent ten year-old was using a shop Vac on a carpet hung over the fence in the side yard. Richie wreaks havoc, but it's good havoc.

He had no idea that the women of my neighborhood had decided that my house was too unsanitary for the Princess Ariane, now seven months preggers, to stay in this weekend. No idea that this kind of thinking drains me of every ounce of energy.

Richie was able to accomplish the impossible, he had every member of my family up and at it. Floors were mopped, surfaces wiped, clutter put away, animals cordoned off, children disciplined and everything smelled like oranges.

It astonishes me when the Universe sweeps in and makes my wishes come true. I don't always understand why good things like this happen. But I know how to be grateful. I truly am.

It is nice to have a slime-free abode. It's nice to hear from the Imperial Empress, the Higher Power, I can't wait for the Princess to arrive.


Kelly Hudgins said...

As Mick and Keith once sang, "Send it to me."

Christy Raedeke said...

I need a Richie.

Anonymous said...

He's for hire!

Anonymous said...

Ah the joys of someone else cleaning your house!