Friday, September 19, 2008

Dusk! - Julie

I have to offer a counterpoint to my esteemed friend and colleague, Ms. Raedeke. For me, 'twilight' has a very different feel. Twilight signals the closing of the day; you're not responsible for accomplishing anything further, but you still have several hours which are your own, to do with as you will. This eerie absence of energy my friends speaks of is simply potential energy -- what do you want to with the rest of your evening? Bike downtown for ice-cream? Watch a few worthless sitcoms? Allow a brilliant idea for tomorrow to pop into your head? This deliciously fleeting time is pregnant with possibility.

It was dusk when I experienced what I'm pretty sure was 'grace'. My son was four months old; the gloaming half light fell across some folded laundry on my neatly made bed, and across my son's perfect sleeping face and I felt a frozen moment of perfection that I can still conjure up to this day. Neither daylight nor lamplight could have held it just so.

Counterpoint offered.


Anonymous said...

I, like the true Pro-choice person that I am, can see both sides of the twilight issue. And I love the fact that you can both percieve the issue completely differently and still be great friends. Here's to democracy, with or without lipstick.

Christy Raedeke said...

Love the point/counterpoint format!

I do see your point (or is yours the counterpoint? Who gets to be Jane Curtain and who has to be Dan Akroyd?). I know I should enjoy Fall/Dusk; the cooler temperatures, the quiet, the opportunity to use the word "gloaming", etc. But I fear I'll have to stay on the minority side of this argument.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, C, I was hoping someone would notice my use of the word gloaming!