Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Headlines -- Kerry

I am writing my blog entry at 8:58 p.m., after the kids are safely tucked into bed and the dishes are done.
I've decided that if it weren't for sheer exhaustion, I would be the incredibly prolific writer I'd once envisioned myself being.
Time to adjust the picture.
I write on my daytimer (ancient non-electronic dinosaur). I write on the back of grocery receipts in moments of inspiration. I jot down paragraphs in my laptop in between paying the bills and answering correspondence. Mostly I write in my head while I am folding laundry or driving.
Someday I will write more; but for now at least I'm writing, and attending writing group, and blogging.
And this week that' s enough.


Anonymous said...


I'm in the same boat. Sometimes it can be dang depressing. Stay positive your day will come.


Anonymous said...

Like Christy says, maybe it's when we're living in the gutters that we have the most to write about.

At least you're jotting stuff down; when the kids are older and you have hired that fabulous housekeeper, you'll have time to flush it all out.

Anonymous said...

Flush it all out!

I like it, kind of goes with the colonic thing.