Monday, November 17, 2008

Synergy Uncorked --Kerry

"Imagine that you had a huge cork at the bottom of the ocean and you let go of it. What would happen? The cork would shoot straight up, naturally rising to the surface unless something got in its way," author Richard Carlson.

I've been on wild rides before where the synergy is so powerful that it's all I can do to hold on for the ride as the forces in my life converge. The first time this happened was when I met my future husband, got married, purchased a house and helped him start law school all within the span of eleven months. And now it's happening again.

I am riding the crest of the wave with a mixture of joy and sadness. I never thought releasing things could be so cathartic - old emotions, old patterns of thinking, old clothes that I hate - it's all released into the tide.

Two and a half years ago I moved to Ashland, against my will, when my husband accepted a job here. I left behind a newly built house, devoted grandparents and more co-dependant issues than I care to acknowledge.

I arrived here depressed and vengeful. I leave here elated and grateful.

Grateful for the gift of knowing fellow writers in LWC. Grateful for all the crazy gifts of healing Ashland has to offer. Grateful to have been touched by the craziness and to feel joy again.


Christy Raedeke said...

Wow, Kerry - seeing it in print makes it SO real. I love that you were able to move from depressed and vengeful to elated and grateful - though I believe it has less to do with this town and more to do with your own hard work...

Anonymous said...

You have many hopes and opportunities. We will miss you and your family oodles, but know that yours is a happy heart!

Until Moving Day, write, write, write!