Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Blogger

Seven years ago, a group of women met in a writing class that each had enrolled in to legitimately and routinely escape toddler bedtime once a week. When the class was over, they enrolled again. When that ended, they enrolled again. By the time the third session was over, they had sussed out who was writing the stuff they liked to read and who was editing their writing well and they decided to start a critique group. The Lithia Writers Collective was born. It would not have a fancy name until years later when they needed one for their blog; back then the night was referred to as, simply, “writing” and it was sacred. It was the one night a week one could count on having good coffee and intelligent conversation and husbands knew not to mess with it.

Recently Julie, an LWC blogger who has a stressful full-time job as a middle school Language Arts teacher, admitted that blogging—or missing her blog day—was making her anxious. Inducing feelings of guilt. Here at the LWC we’re anti-guilt and we loath anxiety; that’s what families are for, not writer’s groups. So, Julie is now our contributing editor and she will blog only when and if the muse calls.

In her stead, Kelly Hudgins will be taking over the Friday post. One of the original LWC members, Kelly moved to Texas a few years ago. But, much like the mafia, once you’re a member of the LWC, you’re in it for life. Kelly has her own remarkable blog with a worldwide readership, so we’re fortunate to have her fresh voice four times a month here at the Lithia Writers Collective.

Kelly, tomorrow is your debut…take it away old friend!


Anonymous said...

Oh, lordy, the PRESSURE!

Anyway, I'll see if I can't come up with something for the morrow.

I'm thrilled to be, officially, back in the gang year round. It's always felt odd to be one of those "summer people."

Hopefully my verification word-o-the-comment, "slumm," won't be predictive of my debut.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Kelly!

So happy to have you back!

Anonymous said...

I will miss Julie-isms. I hope the muse strikes more often than not.

Thanks for all your contributions Zen one.

Kelly---I'm sure you'll keep us crack-a-lackin. Glad we don't have to wait for a convertible to pull up in August to catch up.